Day 12: Master Closet Hers

Day 12: Master Closet Hers

Day 12: Master closet HERS If you saw my shoe video, you know how much we purged as a family— > A LOT! Truthfully, there was a moment of sadness today as I was restocking my shelves. That probably sounds awful because I am so thankful to just have shoes but it’s true. Aesthetically, my shelf doesn’t look as good with empty spaces but what was there before was simply just place holders. You should have seen the dust! Vices are funny like that. It’s hard to let go, you let go (even with gratitude) but then reality sets-in that you really did just purge half your collection! 😳 . .

It’s important to remember why. For me it was just too much. So although I have empty spaces, my heart is full! 💛

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