My List Is Done And I Am So Eager To Get Started! When I Did...

My List Is Done And I Am So Eager To Get Started! When I Did...

My list is done and I am so eager to get started! When I did this challenge for myself 4 years ago, it was a game changer. Our house (years later) still has certain things in the same place - crazy I know. Opposite to that is how out-of-hand other things have gotten. There's 5 of us and we live in our house. It gets dirty, dishes pile up, and things lose their place. Yes, sometimes I just throw things in the laundry room because I can close the door. This challenge isn't about perfection, it's a tool to make doing life in your home a little more blissful! ✨

So, if your goal is to get your home in order for the new year then here are my best tips to make it happen. Don't stress about it- this should be fun and freeing. Enjoy it! Simplicity- less truly is more. Yes we need stuff but you know the spaces that are overflowing where you can't see what you have anyways. Simplify those. Take it slow- Some spaces are easy, others require a lot more work. Plan for the bigger spaces. Rest- Don't over do it, there is no sense in burning yourself out to finish something in one day. Some of my best ideas come when I step away and revisit a space. Use what you have- I take one space and revamp it but the rest I just move things around and work with what I already have. This isn't meant to be a thousand dollar job. Donate, don't wait- If you know it doesn't bring you bliss- get rid of it right away. It will just get mixed in somewhere else if you don't. Designate a space to sort- There will be leftovers, so make time for them. When you are finished with a space that's everything you wanted there, don't bring back the stuff you don't. Celebrate- When you are done with a space, take a picture, show it off. #ohmybliss #orderandbliss #organizemein40days #organizing #newyear Join me and feel the bliss it brings to your home! Stay tuned for day 1!

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