Can you recall that one space in your home that’s in constant chaos? We ALL have one. For me, it’s definitely my bedroom. I don’t know what it is, but the room definitely isn’t just my husband and Is sanctuary anymore. That ship sailed 4 kids ago. KIDS, we love them fiercely but can we please just bolt our doors shut. A pile of robots and hatchimals on my bathroom countertop is a bit much in the morning!
Organizers aren’t perfect - not even close
Don’t think for a second just because I’m a professional organizer that my home doesn’t get chaotic.
- I know how to organize messes because I’ve had my fair share of them.
- I feel comfortable and confident offering advice because I’ve been there.
- I love mess because I see the potential.
- I encourage others to tidy up because I know the spark of joy it brings.
I would easily lose control of my spaces if I didn’t maintain them and how I maintain them is with beautiful functional systems. Most of the time a great system is all you need to keep all the chaos at bay.
Whatever your trouble space may be, chances are you’ve put in a solid effort (many times) to keep it clean and organized but still you find yourself staring down the same messes… Why is that?
Its pretty typical and most of the time it’s easy to change…
Here are some things to look out for…
- The amount of items you keep
- The items coming in and out
- How random the items are
- How functional the space is when you need to use items (and put them away)
The same was true for this space. This closet was a trouble spot. A trouble spot is any space that causes you angst. It was overflowing with “extra” things making it hard to find the really important ones. Angst.
Organizer tip: Take a before picture of your troubling space.
Study it. You will be surprised by how easy it will be to start decluttering it. There is something about seeing a mess that makes you want to clean it!
Over the years many organizing products had been purchased but they were all different and not truly what the space needed. We run into this a lot. At the store, we see organizing bins we like and if there are extra features we are done for. So we purchase them.
Don’t purchase anything for a space until you know it’s the right fit.
I know this is hard. It’s easy to see something and think we have to have it. Often times it’s those impulse purchases that add to our clutter. You really want the items you choose to be the right ones. Once you declutter a space and make those hard choices, you will be surprised at how much less you really need. This will help alleviate those pain spots not add to them. Only what you need and nothing else.
Avoid this organizing mistake.
It’s also easy to throw random things in a bin with a lid, it’s so easy. YES, it’s technically “clean” but did it help eliminate future messes? Being able to really see everything you have will eliminate the guessing. Not only will it eliminate the guessing but it will definitely help control future clutter. That’s part of the beauty of organizing. Making life easier one clear bin at a time.
But what’s inside the bins?
When I organize a space I think long and hard about what it needs. The first images of the space (the before as seen above) are so important. It helps me to really see how the space was used and what was or wasn’t working.
It isn’t just about the overall look but also about the bins individually. A bin or container can function just as well outside of the space as it does on the shelf.
It isn’t just labeled with items but it’s more strategically placed so everything can be seen, therefore used.
Any rule breakers out there??
😱 (I can’t even pretend I am) but for the sake of Science I broke all the rules.
I love everything about this bin. It makes me want to experiment with well… everything.
My client had these items stored in a dark canvas bin where you really couldn’t see any of it. When I began taking the bin apart I realized just how cool it could be and how important it was that the items were kept all together. This doesn’t follow the like-with-like rule but as a whole it more than works.
I could have easily split these items up but it wouldn’t have made sense. Sometimes it’s really nice to have all your supplies in one bin even if goggles and food coloring aren’t typically found together! 😜 So I guess this makes me a rebel.
Release the clutter - Clear your mind
So much went into this space but the biggest stride came from the incredible mama behind it. She did an amazing job at making the hard choices. I showed her the piles and she said… it can go, over and over again. My heart leapt for her. She was more than willing to let go of the items that weren’t the right fit for her home and because of it her space took on a whole new look. I was so proud of her.
Organizer Tip: Lean on someone to help you declutter.
It’s really helpful to have someone with you to talk things through. The more emotional the connection the harder the release can be.
Its not easy to release your personal items but when you get there it feels so good and when you do I will be there to give you a high five or a virtual one! 😉
I was bombarded with questions about this space so I want to clear a few things up.
Is this realistic?
YES, when you are really able to make the big choices, I can promise you, your space will be unrecognizable too. One of my favorite things about a before and after is how different they are. You don’t want it to be the same. If you kept everything it would only be a matter of time before you would be right back to where you started.
How much would this cost me?
A lot. Well, it’s true but a lot isn’t a bad thing when it’s the right thing. Wait, what? Here’s why… you only have to do it once. Remember I said a lot of the wrong items had been purchased for this space, well those days are over.
Where are ALL THE BINS from?
So here’s the kicker, @thecontainerstore won’t let me into their affiliate program {yet} but these items are exclusive to them. The breakdown: iDesign (formally known as InterDesign) teamed up with @TheHomeEdit to create the most fantastic organizing items exclusively sold through @thecontainerstore
So, the best I can do is link similar products for you here and help explain how to get your hands on them. When I tell you these organizing products are amazing, I mean it. Well worth the investment.
Organizing and organizational products are an investment.
If you can’t afford all the products you want just get one or two at a time.
For many years I did this and I appreciated the items more when I was able to purchase them. I always kept a list of what I wanted next and I waited until I could get it. iDesign is awesome at offering deals on their products and selling them at many different stores.
If these iDesign and @thecontainerstore products are what you need in your own space I’ve broken down this entire closet at the end of this post.
Organizer tip: Store items upright and send the taller ones to the back.
Add a pretty @cricut vinyl label and VOILA! ✨
Some extra organizing tips and go to methods.
Space sharing 101.
You can easily make your spaces work for each family member. Keeping items clearly defined can be very helpful. Everyone knows what is theirs and how to maintain.
Two sweet little sisters share this space so it was important that I added a little something for each of them. I chose these cute little containers in PINK to fill up with their favorite art supplies. I’ve used these sorting bins in a pantry, craft cart, bathroom, and now here. They are super versatile and inexpensive. I then customized them with each of their names. The second best thing about these containers is how they double as clean up bins. When play is done for the day, clean-up will be a breeze!
Where to shop for organizing bins?
The Container Store is my version of a candy store. My imagination goes wild and yeah maybe a little drooling happens. Maybe drooling is a bit strong but being able to find the perfect solution for a space makes me giddy. I love exploring and constantly being inspired… and maybe picking up a few treats to bring home. 😁
A new solution for a Ziploc.
These little pouches don’t disappoint. True it’s similar to a Ziploc but these will hold up. They are great for keeping items together that aren’t small enough for a sorter or large enough for a bin or turntable. I’ve used them for arts and crafts, stickers, puzzles, Barbie shoes and travel.
BONUS These fit perfectly in a 10“ @idlivesimply bin. So you could have a whole row!
When kids ask to play with an activity it should be easy…
- Easy to find
- Easy to use
- Easy to clean up
Organization is always suppose to make life easier, if it fails to do that then something still isn’t right. But hey that’s ok. Try again. Organization is constant. No one- and I mean no one would be able to have an organized home if they didn’t maintain it. Well maybe if it was vacant but clearly that would be a waste of a good home and organization. When organizing works everything has a home and no matter how many times you let things get a little chaotic, you can bring it all back.
To get this organized look:
- Divided turntables
- iDesign The Home Edit 10x13 deep bin with divider (exclusively sold @thecontainerstore
- iDesign The Home Edit 10x10 bin (exclusively sold @thecontainerstore
- THE divided turntable with removable pieces (exclusive to @thecontainerstore
- Pink sorters @thecontainerstore
- Like-it Bricks (I used 4) @thecontainerstore
- Vinyl & Mesh pouches (1 or more) @thecontainerstore
- Super cute art supplies